About a month ago, I got a new tattoo, or shall I say seven new butterflies. In its lifetime, a butterfly will go through many changes. From the start, it's a caterpillar, and then it grows to a butterfly; it eventually flies away to many places. Much like me. I've been through so many changes in my life, and I've been to many places. When I heard the song, "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd, I knew I that the song had to be the theme to my tattoo, except, I couldn't find the bird I wanted permanently inked to my body. I'm not really a fan of birds- but- I love butterflies so it fit. The colors are perfect, purple, black and white; and I put it on my right side thigh, there's hope that there may be more below or above it one day. In my last blog, "Inked" - I admitted that my young niece didn't want me to get a tattoo. I've yet to tell her that I have these butterflies. I may tell her this weekend when I see her - or I may w...
Adventures in Fitness, Writing and Traveling.