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Sex, Booze, Rock and Roll: My Novel Idea

In 2014, I had a life-changing surgery. Since then, my life literally changed. Because I was forced to sit still for two-months to recover, I fell into the writers zone and I've completed the first draft of my 55,000-word novel. 
Unlike most writers these days, I've yet to share my story online. I've made an effort to keep the plot and characters a secret. I haven't started a twitter page for the story- and I probably won't.
Actually, I lied. I did post the first eleven chapters of the very first draft of my story on a website for authors. I took it down, and it's plot has changed since last year.
There's no secret that I have a passion for fitness, and music, and sometimes racing. So, it's no surprise that my fiction stories are heavily centered around the three.
If there's anything I'm willing to share about the story is that it's filled with sex, booze, and rock'n roll. There are racers and their fast cars. Rock stars with their loud guitars, and fitness model girlfriends. 
There's a death, and a birth. There's heartache and  there's lust; there are secrets, and there's deception- but above all else there's friendship and the love between friends. Because I believe that no matter rich or poor, famous or private you are- a true friend is always a text, email, or an airplane flight away.

I've paid my dues trying to succeed in modeling, and journalism; and now with writing this novel. I can tell you the pursuit is filled with long working hours; stress; anxiety; sleepless nights, restless days, and heartache- a lot of heartache. Yet in the end, the journey is well worth it. I've interviewed race car drivers- I'm related to a former racer who now works for a few teams building engines. I have friends who've aspired to be musicians, and I've recently interviewed a musician for a well established 80s rock band.
If there's anything we all have in common- is we're business first. It's still a job- but it's a fucking fun job regardless how much money is made, or not.

9/17 at  the Palladium
Photo by Genevieve 
I must confess, when Faster Pussycat's lead guitarist, Ace Von Johnson agreed to meet with me for a one on one interview,  I stopped breathing - for a moment. Listening to our conversation on the recording on my phone, I don't think I was breathing when we finally met in the busy hotel lobby.
We spoke casually about a few different topics- mainly the exciting lifestyle of a musician. Is it all about the parties,  porn stars and groupies? Obviously not.
 "It's a lot more business," says Von Johnson. "I'm constantly trying to promote and be business savvy but at the same time if you see me out, I probably have a cocktail in my hand."
Von Johnson's dad introduced to him to horror films when he child, was attending the weekend-long Rock and Shock Convention in Worcester, MA. Along with actors, writers and producers, there was an extensive list of heavy metal bands playing live music.
Von Johnson was also the musical director for The Rocking Dead. He said the event was "really fun and awesome and a giant headache."
Rocking Dead is collaboration of fifteen or sixteen musicians - including Taime Downe from Faster Pussycat, Ash Costello and Nikki Misery from New Years Day, Bret Von Dehl from The Relapse Symphony. In all, there were two drummers, seven guitar players, two bass players, and six singers. From what I've read on Twitter and Instagram, the show was a blast and everyone involved had fun.

Photo Credit: Genevieve
On stage, Von Johnson is an energetic guitarist.  Off stage,  he's personable, friendly and humble. He also has an obsession with showing off his middle finger when someone takes a picture (that's not why I didn't get a picture of us when we spoke either, I just didn't think to ask).
I asked him what motivated him as a musician, he thought about it and slowly answered, "I think being on stage, and being excited to play the music, whatever that may be with whoever that may be is probably exciting. Last night with the Rocking Dead, it was stressful leading up to it,  but playing with a lot of people I haven't played with before was exciting.
I like creating music," he continued to say.  But overall, "I'm not a session guy; I don't know theory. I never went to school never took any lessons. For me it's just about getting on stage and beat it up."

He started to play guitar at fourteen, and started his first band the week of his seventeenth birthday and he started his career before reality television shows like American Idol came out, and he never had an interest in participating in any of that.
In 2010, he became an official member of Faster Pussycat. They've toured extensively in the past five years. Will the band return to the studio to record new material?
 "Eventually, that'll happen. Assuming none of us die," he joked.

The men I know, want to be Ace Von Johnson; and a lot of ladies secretly  want a private night alone with this gorgeous man, even if they won't act on it.  If you're thinking he's balancing a plethora of different girlfriends, - you're wrong. "It's not how I roll," he said.
I personally never thought that guys would start a band just to acquire groupies, but  Von Johnson says there out there."I never really respected that,"  he said. "Cause I just thought it was kinda gauche."
He admitted that he has a girlfriend, but makes an effort to keep his personal life private, and I respect that.
The fact that he's unavailable doesn't stop some women to hotly pursue him. Some girls should learn  why it's important to hide their crazy, and start acting like a lady.
Unfortunately, as much as it sucks to be stalked by some crazy, delusional former sex partner,   these are the stories that are interesting. Because as much as many love sex, and erotica is now hot selling genre,  it's a boring plot. Doubt publishers will fall for this pitch:

Sexy musician plays guitar on stage for an hour, occasionally making eye contact with a scantily clad blond with over-sized boobs. Afterward, he invites her backstage and has sex with her.

End of story.

But if she's a bat shit crazy woman, then there's a story.

A year after her wild night of whiskey drinking, and sex with Mr. Guitrairst, Barbie Boobs still has hopes that he'll call her. He is coming back to the city for a show, and surely he remembers her. He has to, she's tried to get a hold of him dozens of times. The memories are still fresh on her mind, how he ripped her clothes off; how he rubbed oil all over her body, and pulled her hair. 
On the night of the show, she wears her highest heels and shortest skirt and waits in the cold for hours, banging on the bus doors and, he never comes out. Perhaps, he's sleeping or watching a movie. He'll come out, she really believes he will.
She finally turns her back and walks to the back of the bus to call a friend, and that's when he runs off the bus, with his pretty brunette girlfriend. They run in the opposition direction she's in and finds he way to a restaurant. 

I could write pages and pages of that story, though my story is much different. With time, I'll share more of the story, and eventually, it'll be published. Death is the only thing that'll stop me from finishing this project- no matter how many different revisions and edits I put my story through.


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