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I do Love

It's easy to write the "I hate you" list, but, there is  love and happiness in my heart too. There's a lot of cruelty in our world today. And  with all of the violence that's happened in 2016, I think it's important to remember what we love about life while we are alive.
I read a quote the other day and I remember three words distinctly,
"Value Your Life,"  That speaks volumes.
 Perhaps this spring, I should focus more on the things and people that bring joy to my life. I love to feel happy, and I love to laugh. I resolve to bring more happiness to my life this year!

Since I turned 40, I've decided to force myself to share the 40 things I love, and make me happy.

1. My niece, l.and everything she and I do together

2. Writing stories

3. Warm weather & sunshine

4. The ocean, the beach, hot sand on my feet

5. Running on the beach, even on cold days.

6. Visiting Los Angeles cities, especially Hollywood & Runyon Canyon

7. Relaxing, and laughing with friends while sitting by the pool

8. Full body massages & spa day

9. Rock concerts & watching musicians play guitar

10.  Flying, yes, even when there's turbulence, even when my stomach feels like it's  about to jump out of my body!

11. Traveling to new places

12.  Swimming, in the ocean, in a pool, and in a lake

13. Walking in bare feet, in the sand, on pavement.

14. Dinner dates with friends or family.

15. Funny movies, TV shows, and stand-up comedy

16. Good music, a little bit of country and a whole lot of rock'n roll

17. Sleeping outside, cooking over open fire, camping

18. A solid workout at the gym - weights, cross train, yoga, dancing

19. Cooking, and learning new recipes.

20. The taste of grapefruit

21. Wine tasting in Sonoma

22. A trip to the movie theaters, and eating buttery popcorn.

23. Dogs, it's true. Dogs do make me happy!

24. Participating in a charity event!

25. Teaching kids how to swim

26. Boat rides on Lake Norman with my parents

27. Doing almost anything, or nothing at all,  in North Carolina

28. The smell of espresso, and coffee

29. Reading a good book

30. Attending a NASCAR race, especially in the south!

31. Discovering my (story) characters and their many secrets.

32. Eating breakfast, my favorite meal!

33. Smelling the roses

34. Shopping trips with my sister

35. Candle lit rooms

36. Watching my family/friends succeed

37. Reading old stories I wrote

38. Taking pictures of athletes or musicians, & nature

39. The smell of incense

40. Accomplishing a goal after hard work, sweat and tears

And 41- in hopes that this year is filled with new opportunities. One goal I have is to move away because the one happy feeling I miss having is: Loving where I live. I haven't felt happy in my home, in my neighborhood in a long time, and I hope I can find a place I can feel comfortable, free and happy again. I miss saying, "It's good to be home."


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