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Good Karma and Sweet Blessings

Though I am walking around with a broken heart, and tears of rage are at the tips of my eyes, I have to admit that I've had some pretty good days this year. I guess 39 years old, best relates to the opening line of the novel "A Tale of Two Cities," written by Charles Dickens:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

My "Journey to Forty" has been filled with exciting experiences; some were planned, others were not. Either way,  I will not forget this year for a long time. Only five more months to go before I turn the  big 4 0.

I don't want to count down the months, weeks or days- but- it's a little hard to do when you've got big plans for the future.

I'm grateful for good karma, and should count my blessings. I have no shame sharing those with you. If you've followed me on social media since the MySpace, and PNN days of blogging, and my NASCAR days of journalism and stuck with me during my fitness crazed days- then you are amazing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you're new to my blogs, welcome to my wonderful, adventurous life filled with happiness and sadness and angst, and mostly my opinions. I'm not politically correct, but, I'm polite and respectful!

I'm thankful for a good paying, steady day job, and the apartment I live in. Both of these have been a weird blend of headaches, heartaches and comfort. Fortunately, the good they offer outweigh the bad.  I have an income, and place of my own. I'm also thankful for my car, and I'll save that blog for another day! Yes, I'll dedicate an entire blog to my car that I've yet to name.

My trip to California was the best week - just simply the best vacation.  I've shared some of those days, and I've kept some of those experiences to myself.

This has been the year of concerts for me. I once joked on instagram that this summer is like 1989 all over again, except this time I'm old enough to drink beer, and my tattoos are real. Oh, and MTV doesn't play music videos.
In July, I saw a short Bret Michaels show in Loudon, NH. He was the opening act before the NASCAR race. The pre-race concerts are all short, perhaps four or five songs long  - and it's good enough. I guess.

On September 17th, I saw Faster Pussycat. An eighties sleaze rock band that I once loved. They were my first concert in 1990- when they opened up for Motley Crue during their Dr. Feelgood Tour. In a few short weeks-I'm going to see the Crue.

Tonight was one of the better days of my "Journey." I saw Madonna in concert. It's been a life long dream of mine to see her, and like my trip to California - I don't know why I waited so long. It was worth the money, and I was fortunate enough to sit in a sweet section.  I sang, I danced, and I cried.

It's hard to believe that in less than one year, I've visited Quebec City, Montreal, New England, Charlotte, Hollywood, Downtown LA, Venice/Manhattan/Hermosa/Rodondo, Huntington, and Laguna Beaches.

My personal life has been filled with blessing and heartaches - but- I won't mention those until I get permission from my relatives whom are directly involved.

I also want to mention that I did finish my novel- and started on my second draft. I will only admit that editing is harder for me, than it is to create the story.

I'm excited for the future. I fear the future. But, I promise to continue to live my truth- and to be real. To focus on the good- and on what can go right. To make bad days good- and the good days better!
I don't want to be another person, and I don't want to hate the woman I am.


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